ABIA’S Tomorrow is Bright

Prof. Gregory Ibe

Enyi Abia . OFR. PHD




“Therefore, after extensive consultations and in response to the general aspirations of Ndi Abia, I hereby wish to formally announce my resignation of membership of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), effective from 30 March 2022. This development has already been communicated to my party via an official letter delivered and acknowledged by the chairman of Achara Mbaugwu ward 7 of PDP, my former ward. Going forward, I have also in response to the yearnings and aspirations of the good people of Abia taken membership of All Progressives Grand Alliance(APGA)

and subsequently gone ahead to obtain both expression of interest and nomination forms to contest the office of governor in the 2023 general elections. Arising from the above, I have requested the leadership of my new party APGA to grant me and some of my supporters who desire to contest different offices in the 2023 general elections waiver to enable us actualize our vision. Therefore as efforts are currently being intensified to harmonize the large number of members of our various support groups into the APGA family, let me request all lovers of equity, fairness and justice, who also desire the progress of Abia to make haste and join me in APGA nihi na Nkea Bu Nkeanyi! In the coming days i shall embark on further consultations within APGA in order to persuade our members of my preparedness to champion the cause of the party in the 2023 general elections and by the grace of God victory will be our portion.”

            VISION STATEMENT         
“To develop Abia into a dynamic state, a prime destination and a leader among states in Nigeria”.
                MY MISSION                        

“To make Abia State a leading destination for Nigerian Youths, a vastly improved centre of commerce/trade,agriculture, industry, science and technology, and a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship development.

To enthrone a system where the government creates an enabling environment for our people to thrive, offers unrivaled care and protection of her citizens anywhere they
may be, and lead such a government that restores our pride as a people once again while emboldening us to willfully create
and shape our own narrative.